Are You Give Investor or Get Investor?
In Investors life, it is very important to choose a path in life of investing. Many investors are aware about this and many are not, if you’re from the latter category. Then, this post gonna help you to explore the paths and which one you should choose for you.
Give Investor & Get Investor
The Investors, who give utmost importance & time to their financial life, for whom their financial life is very important and they think about it every second and work on it to make it better & better, such investors are known as GIVE Investors. The more they give to their financial life the more better their financial life becomes over the period of time.
Now, the Investors who don’t give importance or time to their financial life, those who just want to get returns on their investments and always look for quick returns or latest investment product but don’t actually give time and importance to their financial life are known as GET Investors.
Choice is yours, which path you need to choose. Definitely, if you are aiming at financial freedom in life then choose the path of GIVING.
Hi, I’m Managing Director at Gurpreet Saluja Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Where I help my investors to invest in mutual funds and achieve their financial goals. I’m also a Value Investor and here I write about Personal Finance & Investing.