Why You Should Invest Only In Multi Cap Funds?
Whenever I visit my clients and advice them to Invest only in Multi Cap Funds, I have been always asked by them that Why Multi Cap?
Well, I don’t want to share any technical terminologies or any detailed analysis report to prove why you should Invest only In Multi Cap Funds, because I have none.
My reasons are simple as my investments are simple. The reason behind is my own belief to make Investments as simple as possible.
When we keep our Investments simple we gradually make better returns than those who always discuss terminologies and so, why, hows to Investing. Yes, that’s the ultimate truth.
Accepting or Rejecting this, is your own personal choice. I won’t debate on it.
Being a Mutual Fund Advisor I try to make my clients investments as simple as possible which should be easily understood by them and this is the only key to make better returns on your investments.
Multi Cap Mutual Funds also known as Diversified Equity Mutual Funds invest the money in companies regardless of their market cap.
While Investing in Multi Cap funds you can be a part of Growth & Value Companies without even worrying which market cap it is. Same mindset the fund manager have and he can research the best companies available.
So, try to remain in multi cap funds and only 2-3 funds don’t scatter your money in 5-10 funds in the name of diversification. Remember excessive Diversification can lead to Di-Worse-Fication.
Keep it Simple. You will create more wealth by being simple when it comes to Investing your money, Investments are Evergreen!
Thank You,
Gurpreet S. Saluja
Hi, I’m Managing Director at Gurpreet Saluja Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Where I help my investors to invest in mutual funds and achieve their financial goals. I’m also a Value Investor and here I write about Personal Finance & Investing.