Is It Safe To Invest In the Stock Market In India?
Most of the New Investors these days ask similar types of question that “Is It Safe To Invest In the Stock Market In India?” “Is It Safe To Invest In Shares?” “Is It Safe to Invest in Equities?”
Is It Safe To Invest in Stock Market?
Well, the answer to your question is….
Yes, It is Safe to invest in Stock Market In India because now Indian Stock Market is well regulated and trading are done in efficient and transparent manner. The regulator imposes severe penalty for manipulators. However, it is desirable that investors should be vigilant and follow the legal procedure. Sometimes for getting quick returns they fall prey of some operators/manipulators.
In India, The Stock Market is regulated by Securities and Exchange Board of India also known as SEBI which was formed on 12th April 1992 and have its headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
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Hi, I’m Managing Director at Gurpreet Saluja Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Where I help my investors to invest in mutual funds and achieve their financial goals. I’m also a Value Investor and here I write about Personal Finance & Investing.