Legends on Independent Thinking

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I’m reading the greatest supertext of Charlie Munger known as “The Poor Charlie’s Almanack” these days, which describes the Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger.

So far the things I have read in this supertext are really a great experience and contains a lot of wisdom about life, business and investing. It is one of the best thing I have read so far..really commendable.

From the book I read some of the great thoughts by the legends on Independent Thinking, which I would like quote here just to make them more worthy for myself.

Legends on Independent Thinking

“You are neither right or wrong because the crowd disagrees with you. You are right because your data and reasoning are right.” ~ Benjamin Graham


“The most difficult thing in business is first getting yourself to thinking and then getting others to thinking.” ~ Harvey Firestone


“Apply logic to help avoid fooling yourself. Charlie [Munger] will not accept anything I say just because I say it, although most of the world will.” ~ Warren Buffett


“Never fool yourself, and remember that you are the easiest person to fool.” ~ Richard P. Feynman

These are some of the great thoughts by the legends on Independent thinking.

To Read more such insights on wit and wisdom of Charles T. Munger you can get this amazing supertext on Charlie Munger: “The Poor Charlie’s Almanack

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