Mental Models For Success

Mental Models are to train your brain in the different fields and academics, so that it can help you to take the wiser decisions in your life.

As all the information’s in this universe is not stored in any particular academic, there are different information’s in different academics. So, you need to train your brain with the different academics and make your own mental models for success.

While it’s not necessary that you need to explore each and every thing in depth, but you shall not miss to go in depth on those academics that makes you passionate about themselves.

Reading and learning about different academics and making your own mental models for success will help you to get smarter each day and take quick decisions like The Warren Buffet and The Charlie Munger Way – These both personalities are also known as one of the greatest learning machines of the century.

So, Today I would like to introduce you with my own mental models for success and the academics, for which I’m passionate about will be ordered first in the list.

But, before moving ahead I would like to quote a line by one of the greatest learning machine I have ever read about in my life – Charlie Munger, who says,

“Go to your bed each night smarter than you woke up.”

The reason I quoted above line is because, creating your own mental models for success is not the only thing you need to do in your life, You need to get smarter each day by reading and learning more and more from your own mental models for success.

To be continued..

With Love,