Types of Investment Products Available In India

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Investment ProductsInvestment Products

Investing in different types of assets in order to gain some benefits in the future is known as Investment Products. These Investment Products comes in the form of Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Real Estate, Insurance & Commodities or Precious Metals.

All these different Investment Products offer different benefits and people invest in the product that suits their investment needs.

Types of Investment Products

1. Stocks: They offer dividends out of the profits they earn and capital appreciation.

2. Bonds: These offer a safe return on money invested in them and are much safer than stocks.

3. Mutual Funds: These are the pools of funds that invest in both Stocks & Bonds to provide capital appreciation to its investors with professional management. These are comparatively less risky than stocks.

4. Real Estate: These can be for self accommodation, or to earn rent as an income source and also capital appreciation.

5. Insurance: Insurance can be used as a security to protect yourself from any unforeseen mishappening that may result in financial loss.

6. Commodities or Precious Metals: Metals like Gold and Silver appreciate over the time and also protects against any unforeseen political uncertainties.

Therefore, each type of investment products has its own benefits. People invest in an investment product that is suitable to there needs and provides the adequate benefit that they may require in the future.

One more thing that we need to understand before investing in these products that, There are people who in the name of investing are actually gamblers, speculators, traders, hedgers, savers, dreamers and losers. 

To Understand what type of Investors we are we need to understand about Investment Procedures & How Investor Classification Is Done?

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