Will You Invest When Everything Will Be Normal?
Investing is more a process than any skill or art, If you are putting your all efforts to learn this process and diligently follow it – You will definitely WIN.
But the reality is different, many of you are waiting for everything to get normal before you invest your money.
Because you are losing faith in banks so avoiding FDs, you are losing faith in the Indian Economy so avoiding equity mutual funds.
Then will you invest when everything will be normal?
Do You know what are the most dangerous words in Investing?
"I will invest when everything will be normal." Share on XInvest When Everything Will Be Normal?
It was never normal and it will never be! Yes – you heard it right.
I may sound negative here but I’m talking reality. It’s not normal times that make you money.
Because when things will be normal, prices won’t be lucrative & when prices will be lucrative things won’t be normal.
So if you are waiting for “NORMAL” then you accept that current time is NOT NORMAL, right?
So, if it’s not normal then I’m sure prices will be lucrative all around you. If you don’t believe me check yourself.
When everything was Normal – SENSEX was around 42K.
When it was not normal it went around 26K, wasn’t the price lucrative when everything was not normal on March 23 due to COVID-19?
But people were scared with this Not Normal thing, whereas, the passionate investors who diligently follow the investment process had water in their mouth when things were NOT NORMAL.
They invested as much as they could when things were NOT NORMAL because PRICE was LUCRATIVE.
Can you imagine? Normally people invest a lot when they see markets rising because everything around them is NORMAL. They are ready to pay higher prices because everything is NORMAL?
Well, life is not always normal and will never be. So be prepared when everything is NOT NORMAL when that time comes – INVEST as much as you can!
Don’t wait and say these dangerous words to yourself,
“I will invest when everything will be normal.“
If you say so – It’s very hard to WIN – very very hard!
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Hi, I’m Managing Director at Gurpreet Saluja Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Where I help my investors to invest in mutual funds and achieve their financial goals. I’m also a Value Investor and here I write about Personal Finance & Investing.