You Want To Be Rich or Wealthy?

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Rich or Wealthy? Most people perceive both as the same, but in reality, it’s not. Let’s learn more about what is the difference between Rich or Wealthy and Why Being Wealthy Is a Better Option.

Rich is measured in Rupees. Wealth is measured in Time.

For Example, People think having Rs.1 Crore is Rich but if you’re having expenses of Rs.5 Lakhs per month, Your Wealth is Only for the next 20 months.

How long you can survive without working is how wealthy you are. Being wealthy is more important than being Rich.

How you can be Wealthy and Survive without working?

You can be wealthy and survive without working by investing more into assets instead of liabilities.

Buying another Brand New Car when you already have one, is buying liabilities. Buying another Property to generate Rental Income or Buying Equities to generate dividend income & capital appreciation is buying assets.

You have to sacrifice a lot in your initial phases to become wealthy in life, avoid mistakes that every Rich looking person do but actually, he’s not wealthy. Be WEALTHY even if you don’t look RICH.

Let’s start building your assets! For a one-on-one discussion with me regarding your Mutual Fund Portfolio, Click:

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